Escondido Solar & Roofing

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Solar panels are getting more popular now than before. It’s because having the ability to use solar power is more energy-efficient and it’s free. Just have some solar panels and you can enjoy free electricity to power up your home.

There are some points to consider when purchasing solar panels. It will serve as your guide to ensure that you can find the best solar panels. That way, you will get high-quality and affordable solar panels that you can use for a long time

Points to Consider When Purchasing Solar Panels

1. Solar Panel Size

Before purchasing, you have to choose which solar panels will be more suitable for your needs. It must fit your roof perfectly so that you can make sure that it can light up the entire house during the nighttime.

You will need to position the solar panels in an excellent direction. It will absorb enough solar energy that can provide power to power up the entire home. The solar panel size matters and finding a suitable one will be a good investment.

2. How Much Power You Likely Need

Considering how much power you will need to power up the entire house is also essential when purchasing solar panels. On average, 28 to 34 solar panels will be enough to offset your electricity bill. The average household normally consumes 10,400 kW annually.

Therefore the number of solar panels should be higher if you have a bigger house. It can also vary depending on the roof size. By having the right size and number of solar panels, you will no longer have to worry about paying your electricity bill.

3. Where Should They Be Placed

Solar panels should be placed from the roof to ensure that it will be exposed to the sun. Remember that the sun rises from the East. It will set from the West so the best direction of the solar panels will be facing the South. South-facing solar panels will be the ideal direction from the roof. That will provide you better results when charging them so that it can provide enough power.

4. How Long Do the Panels Last

Solar panels can last for a very long time. Generally, you can expect it to be in excellent condition from 25-30 years. But you can still use them after these periods. Though it will not be as efficient as before. Considering these lengths of time, solar panels are an excellent investment. Not only will it power up your home but it can also save you a lot of money for decades.

Why You Should Use ALIVE Solar & Roofing for Your Solar Panel Needs

For your solar panel needs, it’s best to go for ALIVE Solar. We can provide you useful information that you need about solar panels. This means that we can do the estimate, inform you about what’s suitable for your home, and also carry on with the entire installation. We have many experts available to get the job done and ensure that you will have your solar panels installed in no time.

It shouldn’t come as a surprise that solar panels today are more efficient than ever before. Technology moves forward and evolves, and that’s true with solar panels as well. Today’s solar panels are lighter, longer-lasting, and more efficient than ever before. That means that you can buy fewer solar panels to meet your needs, which saves you money.

Solar Panels Are A Great Investment

One of the main reasons that people don’t go solar is they’re worried about the cost. First of all, solar panels are going to increase the value of your property. Will you have to pay for them? Yes, but they’re far from a sunk cost. They are considered an improvement to any building they are installed on, so they’ll build equity for you in your home or business. That’s equity that you can take advantage of down the road if you ever decide to sell or refinance.

Solar Panels Will Save You Money

On top of solar panels adding equity to your property, they’ll also save you money each month. Think of it this way, right now you pay the electric company every month, right? No matter how long you pay them you’ll keep sending them money each month if you want to keep the lights on. What’s even worse is the fact that over time, that bill will just keep climbing and climbing.

Now, when you get solar panels installed you’ll make a monthly payment on them. But, wait, that payment will be lower than what you pay the power company now, and in most cases, it will replace your power bill. A well-designed solar power system should be able to provide you with all of the power that you need. Here’s the best part, in 10 or 20 years, once you’ve finished paying off your solar panels, they’re yours. They’ll be a little bit older and less efficient, but they should continue to produce electricity for you for many years. That means that you’ll be getting free power once your solar panels are paid off!

ALIVE Solar & Roofing Is Here To Help

If you’re ready to have solar panels installed, please call us at ALIVE Solar & Roofing today. We’d be happy to go over your options, explain pricing, and explain the entire process to you. We believe in customer service above all else, so we’ll always do whatever we can to ensure that you have a great experience with us. So, what are you waiting for? Do you want to keep paying the electric company every month forever, or are you ready for a better option? Are you ready for solar panels?

Alive Solar & Roofing will help install a solar system in your home so you can take advantage of free solar energy from the sun to power your home. We’ve got some durable solar panels in place to withstand tough weather elements and guarantee our service. The entire job is done by our own in-house technicians to ensure job satisfaction, as opposed to others who take quotes and outsource services.

About Solar Power

Solar power generation is all the rage right now as homeowners try to seize control of their home energy needs and stop paying local power supply companies.

Solar power is an exciting project. With just the right system size, you can harvest enough energy to power your home and no longer be stuck with expensive electricity costs from your local electric company.

But that is not all the benefits of solar power. Solar power is a renewable form of energy. As long as there is sun, solar energy will always be around. Solar is a clean form of energy, helping reduce the toll of human activities on the environment, which is good for environmental conservation.

How Does Solar Power Work?

Harvesting solar energy is not a herculean task. It is going to be like a fun science project, not mind-boggling as those you had in school. All you need is a good solar panel, electricity meter, inverter, and a controller and start marveling at the physics of it all.

Solar Panels

Solar panels are special kinds of sheets consisting of photovoltaic cells. The photovoltaic cells use sunlight to generate DC (direct current). They absorb sunlight and separate negative and positive electrons, which then are captured to create DC current. Scientists call this mechanism the photovoltaic effect.

Solar panels differ in color and production efficiency. In terms of color, you have the option between black and dark blue panels with or without grid marks. Most people prefer panels with visible grids as they’re aesthetically pleasing. Efficient solar panels produce more electricity from the same surface area size. But at a slightly high price, of course.


The inverter helps convert the generated DC power to AC, which is fit for household appliances. Most of them run on about 240V of AC.

Power Storage Units (Optional)

These include batteries and other storage units that can be charged when the sun is available to act as a backup for later, or when the local power grid goes down.


Use a controller to monitor your power storage units.

Electricity Meter

This helps to measure the amount of power generated. If it’s excess, it will push it to the power grid for a credit on your bill.

Just the right size and type of solar panels depending on your energy consumption patterns, net metering rate of your household appliances, and angle and orientation of your roof, and you will be ready to cut down on your power bill.

Don’t let your monthly electric bill control your life. Alive Solar & Roofing provides the best in-class solar power solutions at reasonable and affordable prices. Contact us today to find out what we can do for you!

Solar energy harvesting can be great if done right, especially during those hot summer and spring months when there is plenty of sunshine. Solar power can be an investment that pays off in the long run, helping you rein on those runway power bills, which can get quite expensive, especially during those warm summer months. But before you dive right in, here are some important questions to ask:

What Do I Need to Get Started?

Harvesting solar energy is not hard. You will need solar panels, inverters, meters, and controllers. However, not all parts are equal, so you will definitely want one of our professionals to go over it with you. We also advise you to have your latest energy bill with you, so that we can go over potential savings.

What is the efficiency and warranty on the solar system?

Efficient solar panels generate more electricity from the same surface area size but may cost a bit more. You want to get the best-in-class solar panels with industry-topping performance and extensive warranty to maximize your savings. Depending on the make, most solar panels have warranties of up to 25 years.

What system size do I need for maximum savings?

Solar power is about saving on energy bills, why not save the most while doing it. Depending on your home energy consumption patterns, angle and orientation of your roof and the net metering rate of your utilities, our inspection team will make a good recommendation and the return you are likely to make.

Who will be doing the job?

Most contractors draw quotations only to outsource the labor or the materials. Now you get someone different in your home doing what you didn’t request at all. What a disappointment! At ALIVE Solar & Roofing, we provide everything “under one roof” at competitive prices for a superior solar system and maximum savings. We welcome all questions! Get in touch with us now at 877-425-4831 to address any of your questions or concerns. Also, check out what our customers are saying on Yelp.

As the owner of a small business, one of the most costly expenses you face is electricity. Depending on the commercial power grid means you will be affected by the electric rate variations. A sudden upsurge in your electric bill could add uncertainty to your venture, particularly in your budget. Perhaps it is time to reduce this burden and look at how your small business can benefit from installing solar panels.

Solar panels are swiftly becoming the go-to alternative source of energy for businesses and homeowners. Initially, you might not think it is not within your means as an owner of a small or medium-sized venture. However, their price has been reducing, and they can now offer great benefits to small businesses like yours.

Alive solar & Roofing helps small business owners reduce expenses, have a better electricity rate, and acquire independence from utility firms by selling and helping you install solar-powered panels. Join Alive Solar & Roofing on our journey to increasing energy independence and going green. Here are some reasons why your business could benefit from using Alive Solar & Roofing solar panels:

Reduces overhead costs

Among the many advantages that come with using solar panels, this is the greatest one. Whether you install them in your home or business, they decrease or eliminate your electricity bills. Because utilities are a significant expense for ventures of any size, these savings can have a huge effect on decreasing all operating costs.

Gaining a “green” label

Choosing to use solar panels can cause a positive response from your customers, which offers you a respectable reputation. However, using solar panels is not only about getting a respectable reputation. Among the many advantages that come with using solar panels is decreasing pollution. Solar offers pure energy, which lessens greenhouse emissions and aids in reducing our reliance on fossil fuels.

Returns on this investment are worth it.

The reduction of the price of solar panels as well as government incentives means it is a worthy investment and a sound financial decision for a small business. Here at alive Solar & Roofing, we will install the solar panels for you and, in the long run, will generate fast payback and savings.


Solar systems need little to no maintenance upon installation, particularly if it does not use any batteries. This system will provide you with electricity cleanly for up to 4 years. A lot of solar panels come with a 25-year warranty.


Installing solar panels comes with many benefits for a small business. In addition to utilizing a renewable energy source such as the sun, you will earn a significant financial return on this investment within a short time. Moreover, you can utilize them for your venture’s tax credits.

In the recent past, this industry has matured significantly. Solar energy is now very economical, and a pure alternate energy source. Furthermore, it is dependable as an electrical system. Hopefully, this article has encouraged you to go solar; and rely on Alive Solar & Roofing as your helpful partner during this transition.

Energy efficiency is the most significant trend in this century. Home and office building materials and designs are increasingly getting tuned towards this purpose. Nowadays, there are solar roofs that combine shingles and photovoltaic cells on one item. But going that road could mean that you have to overhaul your entire roof structure. Installing solar power panels delivers all the advantages of energy efficiency without busting your budget.

The benefits of installing solar panels

1. Green energy and money back!

The incredible advantage of solar panels is that they can eliminate your energy bills in totality. That’s especially true if you live in a sunny state. You will have enough power to heat your water, light up all your rooms, and even cool your house. And when the weather gets warmer, and you generate more electricity than you can use, you can sell the excess to the grid.

2. Your energy is guaranteed even in cloudy or winter weather.

If you are a little worried about going without power in colder temperatures, don’t be. Solar power panels don’t stop working when it is cloudy because indirect and diffused sunlight will still get to them, and that will be converted into electricity for your house. And the way the photovoltaic cells are designed will enable the equipment to produce even more power when the temperature around is colder.

3. Money keeps coming, this time from the taxman

Perhaps in discussions like this, people forget to mention how the tax rebates and credits from solar panels can significantly improve your finances. For a start, you get 30 % off from your total installation costs-this is a federal income tax credit that you can take advantage of when you file your taxes next year. That means that for a solar system that costs $20,000 to install in your home, your tax savings will be $6000. That’s a pretty penny!

But it doesn’t stop there.

There are further state and local credits that you qualify for when you install solar panels in your home. You can sell your yearly Solar Renewable Energy Credits and accelerate your way to better finances.

4. Improve the home value of your home

The trend for green energy is not being driven by machines, AI, or something like that. No, it’s the people. People are demanding more opportunities for saving on their energy bills. They are seeking more opportunities to live sustainably and protect the environment. These same people, statistics show will pay more for a house that is fitted with solar panels and other energy efficiency fixtures. This study by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory shows that homes with solar panels sell for 17 % more money and 20 % faster.

Choose ALIVE Solar & Roofing for your solar panel needs

We have the best solutions to fit your budget. We will help you find the best quality solar panels. We will then take care of the installation process. Let us bring your roof to light with modern and warranted solar panels.

We can help you become self-reliant when it comes to power. Save money and earn some more. Contact us now.

Every new home in the state of California will now require a solar panel as a feature. After the Building Standards Commission took the last step and approved the rule, the state became the first in the nation with a law of this kind. This housing rule ensures California solar panels are a required upgrade and designed to better protect our environment. With this new law, knowing how and why you should have solar panels installed is important.

New California Solar Panels Standards

By setting a target of using a hundred percent renewable energy in the state, California is trying to become more environmentally friendly. This new rule applies to single and multi-family homes as well as apartments more than three stories high. As analytics and statistics show, new homes that incorporate the solar power standard will utilize less energy (up to 53%). If you are wondering about how you will afford solar power installation as a new or existing homeowner, there are several options to pick from. To begin with, you can either pay for the panels outright, sign a purchase contract with your developer, or lease the panels. Since weather conditions are becoming more adverse, the necessity for better functioning, resilient, and reliable energy is on the rise. California solar panels have the benefit of increasing your home’s value and also lower utility bills. The new standards will help decrease emissions and the use of limited energy resources, which is vital given the impacts of climate change and global warming. Even though solar panels cost a decent amount of money upfront, its advantages are clear. The state’s Energy Commission Executive Director, Drew Bohan, made an assurance that the new regulations will save homeowners nineteen thousand dollars, or even more over time!

Why should you add solar panels to your current home?

If you are looking for greener or more efficient source of energy, or saving money, solar panels can be installed on almost any home. When done professionally, the results are magnificent and long lasting. Maintaining and upgrading your dwelling place is a sure and swift way to boost its worth and quality. You will enjoy steady and reliable power without stressing over additional utility bills. California solar panels are applicable in every home and can be deployed in any area. You can take advantage of the energy production peak hours (during the day) and accomplish tasks that use a lot of power. The higher the energy produced, the more your home runs independently and at a lesser cost.

Why should you choose a professional for your solar panel needs?

At ALIVE Solar & Roofing, we put our clients first and carry out every project proessionally. Our transparent and well-trained team is always ready to help increase your home’s value with the installation of solar panels. With our years of experience, installing and repairing solar panels has become our specialty. Whether it is a new or current home, we handle every project seriously and provide lasting results. Contact us anytime for excellent solar power and roofing services.

There are many different reasons to consider getting solar panels installed on the roof of your home; you can save a fortune in power bill payments, you can help reduce the effect of fossil fuel power generation on the environment, and you can reduce the strain on the aging power grid. One thing that you may not yet have considered though is that solar panel installations also increase the resale value and market desirability of your home. Here are a few reasons why this is the case.

Solar panels are very low maintenance compared to other home upgrades

There are many different ways that you can add value to your home, but they may not have equal value in the eyes of a prospective buyer. For example, if you add a pool, not all buyers may be interested in using it. Pools tend to require regular and expensive maintenance to ensure the water quality is kept at the correct levels. Water pumps and filters need maintaining and sometimes break down and need repairs. Whereas solar panels tend to just sit on your roof, requiring little maintenance, and saving you and the future homeowner money. Something like a pool may be a negative factor to a potential buyer, but there is no downside and a big upside to a solar installation.

Solar panel installations are becoming a requirement

In locations such as California, it has become a requirement that all new home construction include a solar panel installation. To a potential buyer, this provides an incentive to favor houses with solar panels on the roof. While this requirement currently only applies to new construction, many buyers may have it in their minds that it may one day become a general requirement for all homes. This thought encourages them to value solar-powered houses higher than those without a solar installation.

Solar panels also act as heat insulators

The harsh summer sun beating down on your roof can transfer a lot of heat into your home. This can add to your cooling bill and make your house a less pleasant place to live in. Solar panels on your roof act as a barrier to the sun’s rays and provide a cooler area of airflow below them that can create convection currents that take heat away from your roof. This can be an attractive argument for a prospective buyer and can make your house a more appealing purchase.

These are just a few of the reasons that solar-powered homes sell for more and sell more quickly than properties without solar. In a recent press release, Zillow states that houses in the US with solar panels installed sell for 4.1% more on average than those without. This alone can add tens of thousands of dollars to your property’s resale value.

If you’d like more information on getting solar panels and related technology installed in your home then ALIVE Solar & Roofing can help you out with that. You can get free quotes on solar installation along with battery storage technology such as the Tesla Powerwall. You can also get quotes and information for roofing repairs, renovations, and replacements. All work is quality guaranteed and financing is available.

Getting solar panels installed on your home can be a big decision to make. The cost combined with the disruption caused by the installation work needs to be worth your while. Fortunately, the advantages vastly outweigh the disadvantages when it comes to installing solar panels. You save a huge amount of money over the long term and add to the value of your house in the process. So get a quote on solar panel installation as soon as possible and turn your wasted roof space into a solar power generator that will save you money.


If you have a house with a decent-sized roof then you may not know that your roof can save you a lot of money. You can easily save thousands of dollars each year by getting solar panels put on your roof, and you can help save the environment in the process. Here are a few reasons to consider getting a solar roof installed at your house.

Lower Your Power Bill

With power bills going up all the time and more power-dependent devices in the average home than ever the size of your bill can often come as a rude surprise. You might think that you have your budget under control and then your bill comes in and turns out to be more than you expect. Fortunately, you have a free resource that you can tap for power that is currently going to waste.

The average suburban roof receives more than enough sunlight to power the average home via solar energy. That sunshine heating your roof and adding to your cooling bills is basically money going to waste. You can easily turn that free energy into electricity which can power your home and give you independence from grid power.

Make Money from Your Solar Panels

If you manage to generate enough excess energy from your solar panels then many power providers will actually pay you to feed that excess power back into the grid. This saves them from generating that power themselves and helps provide a buffer on hot sunny days when everyone is using their air conditioners and the grid is strained to capacity. These are also the days when your solar power generation will be at its peak and you will have power to spare.

To find out more talk to your power company and see what they offer in this regard. Not all power providers will offer to pay you for excess power, but the better ones should. Also, talk to a local solar roofing provider such as ALIVE Solar & Roofing for more information about the hardware and other considerations required to feed power from your solar panels back to the grid.

Reduce Your Dependency on the Power Grid

Power outages can happen at any time. A transformer might blow or a branch might hit a power line and suddenly your power is out. In extreme cases, the power supply may even become dangerously unstable and might damage electronic devices such as your computer.

Scheduled power outages are often not much better. Many power companies will happily cut the power without warning to do planned maintenance, leaving you wondering what you are paying them for. This can be extremely frustrating as these outages can last for the better part of a working day.

If your solar panel system is set up with a Tesla Power Wall or similar battery storage system then power outages from the grid are a problem for other people. Your power will still keep flowing while your battery system has charge in it and the power will likely be back on well before it runs low. This means that you won’t be interrupted in anything that you are doing that requires a working power supply, including earning a livelihood from a home office or other home-based business.

Help the Environment

While electricity on the power grid can come from a variety of sources including solar, much of it is generated by burning fossil fuels. This releases greenhouse gasses such as carbon dioxide which trap heat from the sun. The result is that the global temperature increases resulting in environmental catastrophes such as Australian wildfires and more frequent and violent hurricanes and other extreme weather events.

By tapping into the free solar energy hitting your roof all day long you help reduce the amount of environment destroying fossil fuel that gets used to fuel the power grid. Future generations, which may include your children and grandchildren, will thank you for doing your part to reduce the negative environmental impact of fossil fuels.

If you want to turn some of that free solar energy shining down on your roof into power bill savings and money then you should talk to ALIVE Solar & Roofing about getting your roof equipped with solar panels. Every day that you delay is a day when your money is going to waste in the form of unnecessarily high power bills. A solar roof is better for you, better for your wallet, better for the environment, and better for your children’s future. So call and start your path to a solar-powered home today.


If your power bill is getting out of control then you may have considered having a solar energy system installed to cut down on your costs. Solar panels are a great choice if you want to tap some of that free energy from the sun and help save the environment in the process. With that in mind, here are some answers to common questions that you may have about getting a solar panel array installed on your roof.

Is there anything I should do before getting the panels installed?

Before getting solar roof panels installed it’s a good idea to get a roofing professional to look your roof over and repair any issues with it. You may have broken roof tiles, loose corrugated steel roofing, or other problems that should be fixed first. If the roof is in a poor state overall then it may be worthwhile getting it replaced before the solar panels are installed, as doing the repair work afterward will require the panels to be removed first.

If you have nearby trees with branches that overhang the area the panels will be installed in then you should get them trimmed back or removed. The tree branches will block sunlight and inhibit the effectiveness of the solar panels as a result, and falling branches may potentially damage the panels.

How long do solar panels on roofs last for?

Current generation solar panels have warranties of around twenty-five years with newer panels having warranties of up to fifty years. The panels themselves are likely to last far longer than their warranty period. As a result, solar panels tend to be an investment that will add long-term value to your property.

Since the panels have no moving parts there is not much to maintain on them. You may encounter the need to replace some of the electrical components at some point, though these components are also designed for long-term use.

Is it possible for me to install the solar roof panels myself?

If you have the right expertise and professional accreditation needed for the installation, then you can do the work yourself. You’ll need roofing construction skills and any needed licensing that may be required in your area to do construction work on a roof. You’ll also need to be a registered electrician with the proper experience for solar installations. You will also need to obtain all the required permits for the installation work.

In most cases you are better off getting the work done by experienced professionals as a botched job may result in a variety of issues. You may also have problems with your household insurance if the work is not done to a professional standard.

Can solar panels damage my roof?

Not unless they are incompetently installed. You should have no problems if you hire a professional solar installation company to install the panels, and the panels themselves will act as a barrier to help protect your roof from the wind and weather. Solar panels on roofs will also block the summer sun from heating your roof, which should cut down on your summer cooling energy bills.

If you want your solar roofing installation to be installed by properly accredited professionals then ALIVE Solar & Roofing can do the work for you at competitive rates. ALIVE Solar & Roofing can also do any needed repairs to your roof before the solar panels are installed, and can install a Tesla Power Wall if you want to cut back your reliance on power from the grid. Contact us to get a free quote for the work needed.

With pollution becoming an increasing problem both for the environment and for public health solar power is an attractive clean alternative. The sun will be shining for billions of years after fossil fuel supplies run out and it does so for free. All that energy hitting your roof is currently going to waste, so why not turn it into electricity instead? So arrange an appointment for your solar installation today.

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