Escondido Solar & Roofing

A service of Alive Industries, Inc. | CA License #983966


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The Tesla Powerwall is the perfect energy storage solution to compliment to your solar panel system.

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The solar power revolution has arrived and it’s cooler than you ever thought was possible. The solar industry has been growing rapidly over the last few years, yet in many markets it still remains under-penetrated. This is mainly due to cost, which is often higher than people want to spend on energy. Solar power was expensive and not very popular just a few years ago. But now the price of solar panels has come down significantly. In fact cutting edge panels are at 50cents per Watt, and costs are getting even lower. Solar Energy is cheaper right now than most people think – and it’s about to get even cheaper…

In the U.S., solar power is cheaper than coal.

That’s the headline from a new report from the Department of Energy, which shows that utility-scale solar plants are already competitive with natural gas and coal in many parts of the country.

In fact, solar energy costs have fallen so far that even rooftop systems are becoming cost competitive with traditional electricity sources in many locations.

The report is good news for renewable energy advocates, who have been pushing for more investment in alternative energy sources — particularly solar — as a way to reduce carbon emissions and combat climate change. In recent years, they’ve had some success: The Obama administration has made several investments in clean energy technology and has helped spur growth in wind and solar power through tax credits and other incentives.

The cost of solar energy is declining, and it will continue to decline.

The cost of solar energy is declining, and it will continue to decline. In fact, the cost of solar energy has declined by more than 80 percent since 2009, according to the U.S. Department of Energy — making it a more affordable option than ever before.

The price of solar panels themselves has also decreased dramatically over the years due to increased demand and technological advancements in manufacturing processes. The average price of solar panels has fallen from $76 per watt in 1977 to $0.36 per watt today. This means that the cost to install a solar system has dropped accordingly; in fact, the average cost for an installation is now just $3 per watt. This represents a decrease of nearly 90 percent since 1977!

Solar power is getting more powerful

In the past decade, researchers at universities across the country have been working on ways to make solar cells more efficient and less expensive. They’ve developed new materials and techniques that could help make solar power cheaper and more efficient.

These innovations include:

New kinds of materials used in solar cells called perovskites — which are often made from cheap materials like tin oxide or lead selenide — can boost efficiency by as much as 30 percent with little loss in stability or lifespan.

Better manufacturing processes that allow manufacturers to create high-quality silicon wafers that can be used with existing semiconductor technology instead of specialized equipment. This means lower costs for manufacturers and consumers alike.

Solar is cheaper, more powerful and available to more people than ever before

Solar energy has become more affordable and accessible than ever before. The solar power revolution has brought the cost of solar down by more than 90% since the early 2000s, making it an increasingly attractive option for consumers.

In fact, the cost of solar is so low that many homeowners are now able to save thousands of dollars on their electric bills each year. Add in the fact that there’s no monthly electricity bill to pay and you can see why so many people are jumping on board with this clean energy option.

Simply put, you can go solar and keep your current roof. There is a lot of talk about whether you can combine a solar array with an old roof, but the answer is yes – most definitely. One thing to remember is that solar power works best when it’s combined with an energy efficient home. The efficiency you save on your home will be used for things other than powering the solar system which increases the yield of new installation or lowers the cost of adding new panels.

You may have heard that your existing roof might be in the way of going solar, but nothing could be further from the truth.

Solar panels are designed to work with a variety of roof types, including those with skylights or vents. The only thing you need to worry about is whether your roof can support the weight of the solar panels.

If you’re worried about what will happen if your energy bill doesn’t decrease as much as you’d like, we can make sure that it does by using only high-quality panels and components. Our team takes care to ensure that every panel is perfectly aligned and connected so that they produce maximum power for you.

You can go solar with metal, tile, asphalt and other types of roofs.

It’s a common misconception that the only types of roofs that are compatible with solar panels are those made from metal or tile. You can actually go solar and keep your asphalt shingles, wooden shakes, clay tiles and more.

The three most common types of rooftop solar installations are grid-tied, grid-tied with battery backup, and off-grid (not connected to the utility grid). Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages.

If your roof needs to be replaced, it could save you money if you get a solar electricity system installed at the same time.

If you’re building a new house, or your roof is relatively new, you may be able to install solar panels on your roof without replacing it. However, if your roof is older than 15 years and needs to be replaced anyway, it can make sense to get a solar electricity system installed at the same time.

Here’s why:

The cost of installing solar panels can often exceed the cost of replacing an existing roof, especially if the old roof is in good condition. But if you’re replacing an old roof anyway, then there’s no additional cost for installing solar panels. The savings from lower electricity bills will pay for both projects over time.

Your current roof might not be ideal for a solar electricity system. If it has too much shade or needs too much repair work before it can support a solar energy system, it makes sense to replace that portion of your home’s exterior before installing new solar panels on top of it.

There are lots of options for going solar while keeping your existing roof

The best part is that you have lots of flexible options when it comes to solar. You don’t have to change your roof at all, or you can select a style of roofing that blends in with your existing home. You also don’t have to choose between solar panels and solar shingles. For many homeowners, the only thing holding them back might be familiarity—but explaining the benefits is easier than you might think, and can play a big role in transforming the way they think about going solar.

We’ve got news. Great news! You can get a solar roof! What’s better than that? Solar roofs are no longer the stuff of futuristic pipe dreams like hover cars and jet packs. They’re here and now, and you can get your hands on one if you want to.

Solar roofs are available for many homes

Homes with a solar roof installed can generate their own renewable energy to power their home. Solar panels on your roof absorb sunlight during the day and use it to charge a battery, which then provides electricity for your home when you need it. And when you don’t need it, the excess is sent back to the grid and credited to your bill.

A solar roof will have many benefits, including saving money on your electricity bill, lowering your carbon footprint and helping you avoid future increases in energy prices.

Solar roofs provide more than ample power for the average home

Solar roofs provide more than ample power for the average home. The typical installation is just 3.8 kilowatts, which can cover all of a home’s energy needs in many parts of the country. In places like California, where sunshine is abundant and electricity rates are high, solar roofs can even be oversized to provide more than enough power for a house’s needs, with the excess sent back to the electric company for payment.

Solar roofs are environmentally friendly

Solar roofs are a great way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and lower your energy bills. The cost of solar panels has dropped dramatically in the last few years, making them accessible to more people. A solar roof can help you save money on your electricity bill by providing an alternative energy source. It also reduces the amount of carbon dioxide that is released into the atmosphere by using less electricity from fossil fuels like coal, natural gas, and oil.

You can save money with a solar roof

The typical homeowner can pay off the cost of a solar roof in about 10 years with the energy savings. In about 20 years, you’d recoup the initial investment in full and continue to benefit from free energy for the rest of your home’s life.

A solar roof replaces your existing roof and brings it to life with beautiful solar tiles that can power your home for decades with the energy you produce. Because it’s so durable, a solar roof can actually increase the value of your home more than it costs.

You should consider getting a solar roof!

A solar roof is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint and start lowering your expenses. It may be more expensive than traditional roofs initially, but it will help save you money in the long run. And as more people choose to go solar, the cost of solar roofs will decrease. So don’t put off making the switch!

Picture yourself on a sunny summer day. The sun is out and it’s hot. You’re going through your day as usual when you realize your home has just generated some extra dollars for you. You didn’t have to do anything to earn them — it was just your day to receive the extra income. Does it sound too good to be true? It’s not with solar roofs for homes.

Electricity prices are rising every year

Do you know what your biggest monthly expense is? If you’re like most people, your electric bill takes up a big chunk of your budget. Electricity prices are rising every year, and will only continue to go up. That’s why homeowners are increasingly turning to solar power in an effort to save money and the environment.

Solar energy is getting cheaper every year

Solar energy is getting cheaper every year. The cost of a solar panel has dropped 75 percent in the last 10 years, and continues to fall. Solar is now cheaper than coal in some parts of the world.

The technology has become more efficient, and solar developers are getting better at building and installing panels. Additionally, government incentives, such as the federal investment tax credit, have helped make solar more affordable.

A solar roof will help you reduce your utility bill

Utility bills are based on how much energy you use. Adding solar to your home can help you reduce the amount of energy you purchase from your utility company, which reduces your monthly electricity bill. Because each solar panel produces a specific amount of energy and we can easily predict how much energy any given system will produce, we can also easily tell exactly how much a homeowner will save on their electric bills each month by installing solar panels for their home.

Solar also saves you money in other ways. Solar panels increase your property value, and many states offer tax breaks to homeowners who install solar panels.

A solar roof lasts longer than a traditional roof

Solar roofs are made of durable glass that can withstand almost anything Mother Nature throws at them—and it’s not only hail, heavy rain, and severe winds that solar roofs can endure. They’re also designed for maximum resistance to moisture and heat, so you can enjoy them for many years without worrying about the risk of leaks or decay.

The solar roof can power your car as well

A solar roof can power up to 90% of your home’s electricity, depending on the size and type of your house. It can also charge your electric car for free!

Installing a solar roof is good for the environment. It reduces your carbon footprint by taking advantage of the sun’s energy. This means less pollution in our air!

You get more money per month by going solar than by getting a new job

Now, how would you like to make more money every month by going solar than by getting a new job?

We’re not kidding. The average U.S. household spends $1,400 per year on electricity bills, and the amount is growing at 3% per year. So a typical consumer looking for financial security could net more than $2,250 per year by switching to solar — and that’s before any incentives from the government. That’s enough to pay for a vacation, retirement fund or saving for a kid’s college education.

Tesla’s new solar roof might just be the key to finally making residential solar panels mainstream. If you’re already familiar with Tesla, you know that they are beloved by their customers.

But Tesla isn’t only about cars — Elon Musk has something else up his sleeve. This is a company that has already revolutionized electric vehicles and now wants to do the same with houses.

Here are 3 reasons why this could really work and make homes more energy efficient and self-sufficient than ever before.

They look like regular roof tiles

Solar roof tiles have been used for decades, as a way to help power homes and reduce carbon emissions. The idea is simple: instead of putting solar panels on top of an existing roof, you integrate the photovoltaic cells into the roof itself.

The advantage is obvious: solar tiles are much more attractive than clunky solar panels. If your home is visible from the street, they’ll be a lot less conspicuous, too. And if you’re planning to replace your roof anyway, solar tiles are an easy way to upgrade.

The roof tiles, available in four styles, offer a sleek way to generate renewable energy without having to install bulky solar panels on your roof. There are three types of tiles: smooth glass, textured glass and Tuscan glass.

The solar tile is actually a photovoltaic cell that generates electricity silently and without moving parts. The shingles are much more durable than typical asphalt shingles. Tesla says its solar roof will last longer than a regular roof and come with an “infinity” warranty.

Tesla’s solar roof warranty lasts for the life of the roof

Tesla solar roof warranty lasts for the life of the roof — that’s a long-term commitment not typically seen in the solar industry. But it’s a testament to how confident Tesla is in its solar roof tiles.

Tesla’s solar roof warranty is for “infinity” or the “lifetime” of your house. There’s no limit on the number of years, but there are caveats. Tesla said in a statement:

The Solar Roof has an expected lifetime greater than 30 years, based on typical roofing lifespans and our testing. However, as with any new technology, they will continue to improve upon and refine their products over time.

Each tile has a maximum pressure tolerance of 4,000 pounds per square inch.

Tesla’s Solar Roof tiles are designed to withstand the elements. The company says each tile has a maximum pressure tolerance of 4,000 pounds per square inch, or more than three times the pressure generated by a typical hailstone (about 1,200 pounds per square inch). The tiles also have an impact resistance equal to Class 4 (the highest rating) on the industry standard impact test.

Wind resistance is also important. Tesla’s tiles have been tested to withstand hurricane-force winds of up to 135 miles per hour.

Tesla is a company known for its innovations, and they are proving yet again that they are in no way slowing down. While the Tesla solar roof may not be suitable for every home, if you have the right house and you’re interested in going green, then the Tesla solar roof should definitely be on your radar screen. It’s a fun and innovative design that could change the landscape of American housing—and it all starts at your address.

Imagine a roof that generates its own electricity, replacing your need to buy it from the utility company. A roof that is a work of art, and can actually increase the value of your home. A roof that pays for itself over time, and is guaranteed for life. This is what a solar roof can do — and it may be one of the most important innovations in the history of residential power.

Solar Roofs Are Good For The Environment

Sustainability and environmental consciousness are becoming increasingly important to Americans. Many people are looking for ways to help the environment and reduce their carbon footprint, but are unsure how to do so in a way that won’t negatively impact their lives. One solution to this dilemma is the solar roof. The benefits of installing a solar roof include reduced electricity costs and increased home value, but it has greater implications for the environment as well. Solar roofs can help the environment by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, reducing water usage, and reducing pollution.

Greenhouse gas emissions are one of the leading causes of climate change, contributing to ocean acidification and increasing temperatures around the world. In addition, they can cause respiratory problems in humans and animals when they are released into the air. A recent study found that if every household in California installed a solar roof, it would remove 4 million metric tons of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere annually. This would be equivalent to removing 800,000 cars off California roads each year! 

Solar Roofs Can Save You Money

Solar roofs are at least as durable as traditional roofs and can last up to three times as long. They are also easier to clean since rainwater will typically wash away dirt and debris, while snow will slide off during the winter months. Solar roofs do not need to be painted, sealed, or treated with fungicides.

Solar roofing tiles can be installed directly over existing shingles or plywood sheathing on a roof, eliminating the need to tear off old shingles. The tiles are generally light enough that no extra structural support is required. Solar panels can also be mounted on free-standing poles in your yard if you do not want them on the roof of your home.

Increase your home’s value with a solar roof

Homes with solar panels are more attractive to buyers. Appraisers value a solar system based on the expected savings that it will deliver. This means that a solar system will add more value to your home than it costs.

A recent study found that homes with solar panels sold 20% faster and for 17% more money than comparable homes without solar power.

The average U.S. home buyer is willing to pay $15,000 more for a home with an average-sized solar system — about a $3 per watt premium.

Solar roof mounts (a.k.a. solar panel systems mounted on the roof) are by far the most popular solar solution to high energy bills, and are backed by great rebates and 25 year warranties. However, your roof is pretty important, so you’ll want the full scoop on what a solar panel system means for you and your roof. Here are some common Q&As to get you started.

What are the most important factors in determining whether a roof is suitable for solar?

There are two really major requirements your roof needs to satisfy. One has to do with the direction it faces and its access to sunlight in the daytime. The other is the likelihood your roof will outlast your solar roof mount (30+ years). If your roof isn’t in great shape, now is the time to replace or repair. Before you install, a professional solar consultant will inspect your roof and determine whether your roof needs to be repaired or replaced and whether it will be able to support the additional weight of the racks and solar panels (at least 4lbs per square foot).

Which types of roof are best for installing a solar roof mount?

No roof type will disqualify you from going solar. Solar installation companies have successfully installed solar roof mounts on metal, asphalt, tile, slate, and gravel roofs. It’s difficult to generalize about which type of roof is best because it varies by individual situation, building type, building height, climate, and seismic factors.

What are my options for a roof mount?

There are two basic types: ballasted and penetrating. Ballasted panels, which are especially suitable for flat roofs, are held down by weights to your roof. In this way, they offer minimal disruption to the roof. Penetrating solar panel systems are attached your roof, making them more suitable for situations in which wind or seismic conditions require more stability. Penetrating solar roof mounts may affect your roof warranty; ballasted generally will not. A good solar consultant can lay out the pros and cons of each for your particular situation.

How much roof space will a solar panel system take?

The size of your system depends to a great degree on your energy usage, how much you intend to offset with solar energy, and how much space is available. An average residential system is generally between 400-700 square feet. However, smaller and more inconspicuous systems (e.g. for a solar patio or a garage) are also possible.

What qualifications should my solar installation company have?

As with all solar installations, your installer should be well-established, registered with the BBB, and have all the necessary licenses for both electrical and solar work. Experience is a must, especially in roofing: solar installers that have had experience as roofers can be counted on to treat your roof carefully during installation.

Don’t take chances with DIY solar panels. Hire an expert to help you get amazing results! You can count on ALIVE Solar & Roofing to help you get it all taken care of. There is no cost for an assessment and a written estimate. We use they highest quality materials proven to work and will help your solar system collect the most sunlight.

While you may be tempted to install your solar panels, you will likely come to regret that decision. There are too many variables involved that influence how solar panels work. There are too many pieces that work together as a unit to collect sunlight and convert it to energy. If the installation isn’t done correctly, you won’t create the amount of energy you should.

Poor Quality

Many of the DIY solar panel kits aren’t the same high quality as you get with a professional installation. They don’t have any warranty on the product or the installation. If you have problems you are paying out of pocket to repair or replace them. Such products tend to not last as long as they should either. There is also the risk of falling and getting hurt while up there on the roof. It can be a challenge to get all of that equipment and your tools up there!

Complex Process

Even if you have basic skills and tools, installing solar panels is complex. It will take a great deal of time to do it on your own. If it doesn’t work correctly when you are done, troubleshooting to discover the underlying issues can be time-consuming and challenging. For someone with few skills, it can be almost impossible to install solar panels correctly. You may have to spend money on some specific tools before you can attempt anything. If solar panels are installed wrong, it could increase the risk of a fire. A fire on the roof can go unnoticed until it has caused significant damage. It can destroy the home, the wiring, and put everyone inside at risk. It isn’t uncommon for someone to damage their roof when they try to install them on their own either.

Incentives and Credits

You may live in a region where there are incentives and credits offered for solar panel installation. However, the requirements of such benefits often mandate the panels are installed by a licensed professional. If you do the work on your own, you won’t be eligible for those incentives or credits.

Hire an Expert

Don’t take chances with DIY solar panels. Hire an expert to help you get amazing results! You can count on ALIVE Solar & Roofing to help you get it all taken care of. There is no cost for an assessment and a written estimate. They use quality materials proven to work and collect the most sunlight.

This company has an excellent reputation with previous customers. Reading reviews from them can put your mind at ease and encourage you to give the provider a call. There is no pressure to schedule the process, but once you see what they offer and the reasonable prices, there is a good chance you will hire them to complete the work.

ALIVE Solar & Roofing will assess your solar panel needs. The size and design of your roof will influence how many you need to create enough energy for your usage. They can create the best strategy for where to place the panels. They have the best equipment and methods to ensure it is all done quickly and correctly. They also pay attention to safety factors to reduce the risk of anyone getting hurt in the process.

San Diego has beautiful sunny weather among all the cities in California. Solar panels work best in sunny weather. Cloudy or rainy weather can’t generate enough power. Hence, great sunny weather in San Diego is favorable weather for solar panels.

This US city has sunny weather for more than 60% of days in a year. This means solar panels San Diego can supply a good amount of power all over the year.

Why Should You Install Solar Panels In San Diego Homes and Offices?

Tax Credit

You will get a huge tax credit (26%) under federal solar credit. Installing solar panels is currently supported by the government, so installing solar panels in San Diego is a wise decision (The tax credit may change in the near future).

Saves Money

The energy bills will increase at a standard rate. So, you have to pay more bills every year. But, if you choose solar energy, you can reduce your energy bills. The energy coming from the Sun is completely free. Therefore, you wouldn’t have to pay a high amount of energy bills.

No More Power Cuts

You may have experienced power cuts. Natural calamities can often damage power grids. In that case, you may not have electricity for days. Solar energy combined with a home battery system can make you independent. Your roof will have solar panels and the panels will generate energy that can charge your home battery system. Hence, your house or office will always have power through your solar and home battery system.

Green Energy

The US government has initiated many projects to reduce carbon emissions. You can help the government by choosing solar power. Because electricity from power grids can cause lots of carbon emission. But, solar energy doesn’t harm the environment. It’s green energy.

High ROI

Install the solar panels and you don’t have to maintain them. Solar panels can give you a good ‘Return On Investment’. As a result, your entire investment in solar panels will return within a few years.

Why Should You Choose ALIVE Solar & Roofing?


ALIVE Solar & Roofing is a licensed company. We have the necessary licensing to do the job right. Hence, we will legally install solar panels, following the established building codes for your neighborhood. A company without a license will never provide you flawless services. Hence, you should choose ALIVE Solar & Roofing company.


Our company began its journey in 2010. So, we’re pretty good at installing solar panels in San Diego. We have a trained and experienced team. So, we are ready to install solar panels in your home or commercial places.

Very Reasonable Pricing

Some solar installation companies in San Diego asks for hefty amounts. But, ALIVE Solar & Roofing offers reasonable rates. Our prices will never burn a hole in your pocketbook.

Advanced Energy Storage Option

It’s really important to store solar power. Because you may experience cloudy or rainy weather. That’s why we have Tesla Power Walls available for installation. This technology is an advanced and safe option to store solar power.

Superior Quality Solar Panels

The solar panels on your roof may face hail storms or heavy rainfall. ALIVE Solar & Roofing supplies great quality solar panels in San Diego. These solar panels can withstand the outside weather and these panels are truly tough. Hence, you can install these solar panels without any hesitation.


One of the best features is our ‘dual-warranty on solar panels. We offer long-term warranty on our panels. You can enjoy this extended warranty without any additional cost.

So, contact us today and we will have one of our representatives provide you a reasonable quote for your solar power needs.

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